Here at Exclusive Beauty we always carry out an in-depth skin consultation prior to any treatment to ensure you are getting the right treatment or product. This is totally confidential and will only be seen by your therapist.
Treatment Menu

Price available after consultation, access treatment from £60
Seborheic Keratosis
Seborrheic Keratosis is one of the most common noncancerous skin growths found in older adults. It most commonly appears as a brown, black or light tan growth on the face, chest, shoulders or back. People over the age of 50 are most likely to develop seborrheic keratosis, although their exact cause is not yet known. People with a family history of this condition also are more likely to develop it.
Price available after consultation to access treatment from £60
Skin Tag Removal
Skin tags are soft skin-coloured growths that hang off the skin a bit like warts. They are very common, harmless and can vary in colour and size. Skin tags are usually found around the neck and armpits or under the breast. They can also grow on the eyelids. They are made up of loose collagen fibres and blood vessels surrounded by skin.

Price available after consultation to access treatment from £80
Broken Capillaries or Telangiectasia
These are tiny little spidery veins close to the skins surface. They are not painful, and are very common in Irish/fair skin. In thin skin the capillaries can easily be damaged – some of the main causes are extremes of temperature on the skins surface, like using too hot of water to clean the skin, using too harsh of skincare products i.e. scrubs etc, popping spots can cause trauma to the skin and excessive sun exposure.
Price available after consultation to access treatment from £30
Milia (Whitehead) Removal
Milia (whitehead) can be commonly found on the face, cheek area or around the eyes for no particular reason. They are made up of keratin and need to be removed professionally to prevent skin damage and scaring.
Treatment from £20
Electrolysis Hair Removal
Electrolysis is a scientifically and medically proven technique that is effective no matter what type of hair you have or what colour your skin. Primarily used for hair removal on the face. Consultation is advised to discuss.